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Welcome to Sherrelle – for the clever and curious. I write about design, style, wellness, travel, and daily curiosities. Mostly I tell stories about life – the tragic, the beautiful, and the funny – that will inspire you, cultivate conversation and make you laugh.

I’m Sherrelle.

I’m mid-west raised, west coast educated and east coast cultivated. I love superhero movies, art museums, and prefer high tops to high heels. I’m obsessed with Paris and exploring this big wide world. I am very curious. I’m always searching for new ways to hone my personal style, create beauty, and stretch my mind. And laugh – I really love to laugh. I bet you like the same things too.

In a former life, I used to be an ethnographer. In case you don’t know, an ethnographer is a person who gathers and records data about human culture and societies as a ‘participant observer.’ In other words, I was paid to observe life and record stories. Now I do that here.

Here are a few posts to get you started.

Why I was naked and holding a dead squirrel.

My hijinks and hysterics at Louis Vuitton in Paris.

How to be anti-racist.

Making sense of suicide.

Want to know even more about me? Learn random – yet fascinating – facts about me. Follow me on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook where I share photos, videos, and chat daily. And don’t forget to subscribe to stay connected to all the clever and curious things (bonus! you get access to the password-protected Resource Library!). Most of all, let’s have fun.

When you get a moment, pop over to my store. I’ve created an amazing wellness journal, TAP IN: A Daily Practice for a More Creative, Focused and Joyful Life. You’ll love it. Nothing but good vibes all around.

Stay curious. xo,

sherrelle signature

Confused by the new name? You’re in the right place! This website used to be called But don’t worry, Sherrelle is still funki.